Monday, October 24, 2011

My Deviant Art

Frankly, I love deviantART because this is the place where I can show off my art skill and moreover, to share my arts with other people... Basically, I love to do digital art like wallpaper using Adobe Photoshop and I have been created a lot of graphics from there... To tell you the truth, I never went to art class or computer class to take up art but probably because I have the talent for it... This is not bluffing matter but truly I have the interest into it and most importantly, I'm willing to learn, try and explore... Like example, adobe photoshop... In the beginning, I didn't know what was that and when I went to researched the information, then I know, this is how adobe photoshop was used and I started to liking it... forever... It really help me alot... Thanks to you...

devianART was a cool site but the bad thing is, some features we need to have premium members then you can have it but I guess currently, it's already better than enough although I still need some points to upgrade some other stuffs... I'm just so happy and excited when alot of people liking my works... That's so precious!!

This is mine deviantART:

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Copyright©Every posts and graphics made are title to Aliav Art of Mood @ Valia J.