Saturday, January 12, 2019

Handmade Easter Eggs

I done these Easter eggs 2 years ago and it was a gift to my colleagues. Those are suddenly pops up from my head and done it without hesitation and with determination.

All ingredients ready! Empty egg shells, paper napkin, white glue, transparent glue, paintbrush, penknife

In process...

spread with transparent glue and let dried up (Close-up)

Almost done....

Monday, November 9, 2015

Design T-shirt for Zumba Class

Recently design T-shirts for Zumba class I had attend! Wanna contribute for my fave Instructor ZIN Feli.







Monday, February 9, 2015

Motion Blur Gif. [vistlip]

I tried to make this gif. called motion blur gif. So I used vistlip each members photos.

[Gif.] Fulfilled For Request

Oh yes... There's another request from one of the VKei fanpage in facebook seeking help for whoever can help them create a Gif. for one of their friend and she; the friend a fan of Nokubura Hiro and she liked the part where Hiro went "Woah yeah yeah" in the PV 「V.I.P」... Then I offered my helped to make one for them since it's my job tho~ hehe...

......And I'm glad they're happy!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Mock Badges [Jrock Ver.)

I done created mock badge as I tried to play around and same thing learning how to make it.... So my first attempt with Jrock band names...


And the combined....

[GIF.] Feat. v[NEU] (妄想接吻)

Recently, learning about combine gifs.

I done it! でった!Enjoy!

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Copyright©Every posts and graphics made are title to Aliav Art of Mood @ Valia J.